A naïve style embroidery is built up of a patchwork of simple linear stitches meandering over a pure linen cloth creating a cushion that has a simple, folk like hand crafted charm.
View All 2 Colours
Northiam 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Petworth 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Glynde 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Barcombe 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Clayton 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Boxgrove 60cm x 40cm Cushion
Laughton 55cm x 35cm Cushion
Calder 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Loxley 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Wriggle 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Cyrus 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Bude 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Studland 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Studland Multi 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Start 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Bramber 50cm x 50cm Cushion
Tor Reversible 50cm x 50cm Cushion
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